Olympic sailors hit the water in a ‘friendly’

Returning Olympians, Matt Wearn, Zoe Thomson, Nia Jerwood, and Conor Nicholas hit the water again this Sunday (September 8) in the RTYF Pacer Racer Challenge at the Dinghy Club of the Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club.

The RTYF Pacer Racer Challenge pairs up-and-coming young sailors with their sailing Olympic and World Champion idols in a four-race regatta. 

In conjunction with the WAIS sailing programme, the competition started seven years ago and was the brainchild of Belinda Stowell-Brett (2000 Olympic Gold medallist) who envisioned a competition that set the high-performance sailors of WAIS to compete against each other in equally matched boats. Sailing a two-person dinghy also provides a wonderful mentoring opportunity to bring together seasoned sailors and those still learning who aspire to ‘go for gold’. 

Foundation Chairman, Philippa Packer said “the day gives our champions an opportunity to not only compete against each other but also pass on some racing tips to the younger sailors”.  “The kids get such a kick out of sailing with their idols” she said.   

Each team races in a Pacer class dinghy and with over 30 boats expected to participate the competition is expected to be fierce and the viewing spectacular!  

Team selection will commence at 12.30 with racing starting at 2pm.  The day concludes with a presentations of trophies and prizes.  So come and join us on the lawns of RFBYC for an afternoon of fun and excitement.


